Put your pasta on to cook in a pot of well salted boiling water.
Toast the walnuts in a fry pan over a medium heat, tossing frequently until just turning brown. Set aside.
In a large fry pan (big enough to add the pasta to the sauce at the end) melt the butter over a medium heat.
Let it melt, then sizzle for a few minutes until it starts to foam. Swirl the pan often and keep a close eye on it.
When the foam subsides and the milk solids have turned golden brown add the sage leaves and cook for 1 - 2 minutes until crisp.
When your pasta has about a minute to go, add the pasta water to the butter mixture and whisk well.
Let it bubble away for a minute or so to thicken then add your cooked pasta.
Toss the pasta in the sauce then add the walnuts, lemon juice, salt and pepper and toss again.
Serve with lots of grated parmesan.